Volunteer Application

Ogden Pride needs your help!

Volunteers are essential to the success of Ogden Pride. We are in need of 200 volunteers to help make this year’s festival a success. There are many benefits in volunteering with Ogden Pride. We have many areas in the festival, as well as throughout the festival weekend we could use the assistance.

We provide you with:

  • An Ogden Pride Volunteer T-Shirt
  • Name Badge
  • Pronouns Button
  • Pride Swag
  • $10 meal voucher (6+ hours)
  • Snacks & More!

One more super important thing before you move forward with the app. Be sure to add the info@ogdenpride.org email to your contacts, as your email confirmation and receipts will probably land themselves into your junk mail. We want to make sure you have the most up-to-date information as we send it out. 🙂

If you have any questions, please contact volunteer@ogdenpride.org