Recently, right here in our hometown, members of our community experienced something that no LGBTQ+ person should have to; hate. Hate directed towards them just for showing pride in authenticity and love for those who may not have the opportunity to be out and proud.
Hate comes in many forms, and today especially, our LGBTQ+ community has been the target of many vile and abusive attacks. Flags stand for so many things. We pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. We fly our favorite sports teams, and colleges in support and pride.
We fly our PRIDE FLAGS, to show others they are not alone, that they have a safe space in the homes and neighborhoods we reside in. The places we frequent who support us. We fly them to not hide who we are.
When flags that make statements about us, who we love and who we support are stolen, defaced, or destroyed, it hurts. It makes us feel like the places we turn to for safe space are no longer safe. For some, it draws us back into the closets we worked so hard to come out of to live our truths.
When our safe spaces are no longer safe, we cannot turn from the community built in them. We must stand as one, envelope hate in love, and work to rebuild. We as a community have faced many moments of rebuilding, but we do not give up. We do not back down. We do not stop. We gather strength, we continue to fight, and we continue to LOVE WITHOUT CONDITIONS!
We are enough as humans, and we deserve the same and equal opportunities as any other human. We deserve love, and safe spaces, and the right to fly our pride!
Our hearts are with our community, as we face fear for our safety for our families and friends. While we cannot face it alone, we seek allies and support from those who are not afraid to stand with us.
Many of our allies and community supporters have asked us how they can show love and support by flying a pride flag. They’ve asked us where they can find them right now. So we’ve listened, and have them for purchase, so you can fly them now with us.
You can purchase an Inclusive Progressive Pride Flag, with proceeds to benefit the Ogden Pride Center. We have 3′ x 5′ Polyester flags for sale for $10 a piece. We only have 30 available, so grab yours today!
Each flag has header tape and 2 metal grommets. Flag is dye-sublimated with beautiful bold colors. Printed on one side all the way through the fabric. Double-stitched around all edges with 4 rows of stitching on the fly edge